04 September 2020
Dear Patrolling Members,
We are looking forward to getting back to patrolling this season, with the flags planned to go up on Saturday 26 September 2020.
What will patrolling look like this season?
We will be running 7 patrols with an average of 10 members on each.
This season Christmas Day has not been rostered. Similar to other clubs we are breaking the day down into 3 time slots and encouraging all members to come down and help out at a time that suits. There will be more information posted as we get closer but please have it in the back of your mind to give up a couple of hours in between the presents and food!
The patrol roster has been finalised and is available on the club website
2020/2021 - HSPSLSC Patrol Roster Public Version
Staying safe
For your information, we have developed a COVID-19 Safety Plan for Lifesaving and for general use of the club house. We will walk you through these on our first patrols. In particular we need to be aware of some new guidelines to deal with patients, how we conduct resuscitations in a COVID safe manner and how we protect each other using PPE and by cleaning our rescue ready equipment.
Some of the changes this season to help us to meet Government requirements and stay COVID-19 safe include:
- Scaling back the practical skills maintenance (proficiency) requirements for the Bronze Medallion – this season proficiency will consist of a run-swim-run and tube rescue of a conscious patient or solo paddle, conducted at the start of your patrol.
- Changes to the way in which we will be administering first aid and performing resuscitation – we are encouraging self-treatment where possible, advising against performing rescue breaths, and providing PPE (including masks) for situations where physical contact with patients is unavoidable.
- Providing clear guidelines around the expectations of lifesavers in their interactions with the public – specifically there is no expectation that members will be policing physical distancing on beaches.
Please take some time to read the attached PDF documents which provide further details. We would also like members to take the time to watch the following lifesaving pre season video.
2020/2021 - HSPSLSC Pre-Season Life Saving Information
Please also consider downloading the Federal Government’s COVIDsafe App. The app speeds up contacting people exposed to COVID-19, helping to support and protect you, your friends and family.
We are committed to keeping all members of the club safe, and we thank you for your support and understanding in these changing times. As Government restrictions continue to change prior to season start, we will endeavour to update you on information as it becomes available.
Kind Regards
Anthony Rooskie
Club Captain