#Learning | The annual Skills Maintenance update is now available for all active Surf Life Saving members.

Key updates for the 2024/25 Season include the incorporation of Sexual Harassment and Misconduct Awareness Training, as well as the introduction of an online component for all those who hold the new Silver Medallion Patrol Captains award.

To complete the Skills Maintenance update, log on the SLS Members Area and click on the eLearning tab. Click here: bit.ly/3iWXloN

2023/24 Season Statistics

Visitors To Stanwell Park Beach
Volunteer Patrol Hours
Volunteer Patrolling Life Savers
Preventative Actions
First Aid Cases

2022/23 Season Statistics

Visitors To Stanwell Park Beach
Volunteer Patrol Hours
Volunteer Patrolling Life Savers
Preventative Actions
First Aid Cases