The HSPSLSC Code of Conduct Policy is aligned to SLSA Policies and Regulations. (
1. Surf Life Saving Australia’s Core Values
- The health safety and wellbeing of all its members
- Providing a safe environment for those participating in surf life saving activities.
- Surf lifesavers are nurtured in an environment that values safety, trust, respect, caring and responsibility.
- Encourages acceptance, confidence and risk taking.
2. Member Rights
Members have the right to:
- be safe;
- be listened to;
- be respected;
- privacy;
- a protective environment in which inherent surf lifesaving risks are taken;
- an inclusive environment;
- be referred to professional help if needed;
- be protected from abuse, discrimination or harassment by other members or outside sources.
3. Code of Conduct
SLSA requires every individual and organisation bound by this policy to:
4.1 Respect the rights, dignity and worth of others;
4.2 Be fair, considerate and honest in all dealing with others, and be a positive role model;
4.3 Make a commitment to providing quality service;
4.4 Be aware of, and maintain an uncompromising adhesion to SLSA’s standards, rules, regulations and policies;
4.5 Demonstrate a high degree of individual responsibility especially when dealing with persons under 18;
4.6 Contribute to the provision of a safe environment for the conduct of all activities within surf lifesaving
4.7 Abide by the relevant Role-Specific Codes of Conduct outlined in Annexure 2 of the SLSA policy.
4. Breaches and Complaints
- Any action that endangers the safety and/or wellbeing of any child.
- Practices that endanger the health or safety of any person.
- Unauthorised access to club equipment, records, property or confidential material.
- Anti-social and anti-competitive behaviour.
- A high degree of unsafe or irresponsible behaviour towards any person or property.
- Harassment or other inappropriate behaviour towards any person – either physical or psychological.
- Abusive or offensive language towards other club members, members of other clubs, any coach or official of SLSA or any other person.
- Any language or behaviour that causes embarrassment to, or brings H-SPSLSC into disrepute.
- Discrimination based on a person’s sex, colour, race, religion, age or disability.
- Alcohol (from Policy Statement: Inter-Club Regulations and Guidelines October 2005):
1. No member or other person travelling with or involved in a Club activity, under the age of 18 years, is to consume alcohol.
2. No member or other person travelling with or involved in a Club activity, is to partake of alcohol to the extent it may allow them to cause harm to another member or person, or damage any property owned by the club, or at any time in use by, or occupied by the club.
3. No member or other person travelling with or involved in a Club activity, is to consume or use any banned substances.
4. No member or other person travelling with or involved in a Club activity, is to supply or condone the consumption of alcohol by any person under 18 years, nor supply or condone the consumption or use of any banned substance by any person.
5. Disciplinary Committees and Process
1. Any Club member detected or reported or who is reasonably suspected of breaching the Code of Conduct will be immediately suspended from competition, training, social and all Club activities. This suspension may be applied by either a member of the Club Executive, a Club Management Committee Officer, the Team Manager or the Team Captain on consideration of the facts available to that person at the time.
2. As soon as practicable after a suspension has been imposed, the matter is to be reported to the Club Executive Committee, which will appoint a Disciplinary Committee of members in attendance at the carnival or other activity.
3. The Disciplinary Committee will meet as soon as practicable, and if the offence is found proven, will have the power to confirm the suspension until the end of the current carnival or other activity; if there are mitigating circumstances, the Disciplinary Committee may determine a lesser period of suspension. There will be no immediate right of appeal against this suspension.
4. Following the carnival or other activity, the Executive Committee will convene as early as practicable to determine the penalty if any to be applied. A decision by the Executive Committee to suspend or penalise a member may be appealed in writing in accordance with SLSA Rules.
5. The Executive Committee or Disciplinary Committee may at any time determine to notify the Police of any matter which is believed to be in contravention of State or Federal Laws.
The Executive and/or Disciplinary Committees will act without prejudice, yet act objectively on each case and impose appropriate and consistent penalties based upon the actions of the offender.
It must be remembered, the wellbeing of the victim, the community and the club members is paramount.
6. Penalties
- Implementation of Penalties other than Suspension. The severity of penalties will be handed out as a direct consequence of the scale of the offence. Therefore, penalties such as membership cancellation and expulsion may be dealt out on a first offence.
- The Executive Committee will set guidelines for implementing penalties, based on the severity of offences.
1. Cancellation of Membership
2. Removal from Office
3. Expulsion
4. Reprimand
5. Suspension
- 3 Strikes
If a member is cited to appear before the Executive Committee for breaches of the Code of Conduct for a third time, their membership will be automatically cancelled and they will be expelled from all club involvement for a period agreed upon by the Executive Committee.
7. Appeals
Appeals must be made in writing to the Executive Committee, only following the determination of the penalty imposed.
8. Duty of Care
- To Victims and Offenders
Both parties must be offered advice pertaining to contacting legal support, social, mental or medical assistance.
Helensburgh-Stanwell Park SLSC
February 2010