Junior and Senior Levels – where applicable
In order to promote fairness to all members, competitors, sectional captains, coaches and selectors, the Competition Committee has compiled a Selection Policy.
1. Selection Criteria applies to:
- club touring teams,
- individual and team events at carnivals,
- development squads,
- training camps and
- representative nominations.
2. Selection Criteria (to run parallel to SLSI, SLS NSW and SLSA selection policies):
Competitors must:
- Be proficient members of HSPSLSC.
- Show potential to the benefit of team and club.
- Manage their patrol attendance and patrol defaults **.
Competitors must display acceptable levels of these criterions:
- Training attendance and commitment – including compulsory team sessions.
- Carnival attendance and commitment to all relevant events.
- Carnival results.
- Active participation in club fundraising.
- Satisfactory behaviour within and outside of competition arenas.
- Physical fitness – injury and/or illness may impact on selections.
- Pointscore attendance and commitment (Juniors).
- Pointscore - Surf Race attendance (Over 13’s).
- Championship Day attendance (Over 13’s).
3. Selectors 2008/09:
Beach Selectors – Senior
- Beach Captain
- Team Manager
- Competition Convenor
Beach Selectors – Junior
- Beach Captain
- Age Manager (per age group)
- Junior Team Manager
Surf Sports Selectors – Senior
- Surf Sports Captain
- Team Manager
- Competition Convenor
Surf Sports Selectors – Junior
- Surf Sports Captain
- Age Manager (per age group)
- Junior Team Manager
Boat Selections – presided by
- Boat Captain
- Boat Vice Captain
- Competition Convenor.
It is recommended that selectors engage the advice of coaches regarding the prospect and potential of competitors, however, all selections will be finalised by Section Selectors and the Competition Committee.
4. Carnival Entires, Membership and Proficiency (Over 14’s):
- All carnival entries are signed off by the Club Captain or the Vice Captain or a member of the club executive, in Club Captains’ absence.
- Senior entries are submitted by the Team Manager for proficient members.
- Junior carnival entries are submitted by the Junior Team Manager, for proficient junior members.
- Prior to carnival entries being submitted, competitors must:
- be proficient in relevant awards for the competitor’s age group
- have a Proficiency Date (prior to 31st December)
- have lodged a Membership Form
- have paid their Membership Fees
- have filled out a Child Protection Form (Over 14’s)
- be up-to-date with patrol requirements (Over 14’s)
5. **Patrol Management:
HSPSLSC operates under SLS NSW Patrol Rules and Regulations.
° Patrol Default:
Ö If you miss one patrol, you are in patrol default – do NOT enter any carnivals or compete, contact Club Captain to undertake make-up patrols
Ö If another member has substituted for one of your patrols, as in a swap, you may still compete and enter a subsequent carnival, however, you MUST CONTACT THE CLUB CAPTAIN to make-up that patrol within one week of the said carnival.
Ö Check that you have personally completed 25 hours of patrol between 1 January and 31 December.
Ö Active Reserves must personally complete 12 hours of patrol between 1 January and 31 December.
Enquiries regarding Patrol Default should be taken up with your Patrol Captain or the Club Captain.
Enquiries regarding selection will be passed to and presided on by the Competition Committee and Section Captains and Selectors.
(Please refer to “Inter-Club Competition Regulations and Guidelines – October 2005)
Andrew Bell
Competition Convenor
HSPSLSC 2008-09
25th November, 2008